The JK NATIONAL SCHOOL aims at making global citizens through an array of programs in technology. Our emphasis is on providing a healthy teaching-learning atmosphere to teachers and students, to ascertain maximum learning. Specialized teaching techniques at Nri Global Discovery School motivate the students for self learning and enable the teachers to work for continuous improvement. The curriculum has been evolved to achieve a balance between the academics and the Technology.
The JK NATIONAL SCHOOL, BILASPUR is taking technology to all its students by bringing revolution in its Pedagogy.
Present technology approach:-
- App Inventor (Mobile phone) programming empower kids to develop applications for Android phones. For understanding all the concepts we provides various e-learning processes .
- We are using Multimedia programming like scratch that was designed at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and is being used by schools all over the world to introduce kids as young as Grade 1 to the logic and methodology (rather than the exact syntax) of computer programming
- Website designing is an emerging trade in technology. Our school provides various trainings regarding it and makes the children good creators rather than just consumers.
- Our school provides such a technology that make blogger rather then writers. Our students are able to narrate their ideas on internet by blogging.
- “Images have more words “, we truly believe in it and provide movie making course that helps students to visualize their ideas.
- “Playing is the powerful tool for teaching”, So for small grades we have various education games like Tux Typing , Blockly games to enhance their logical ability.
- Cisco Networking Academy program equip children to earn a Cisco Certified Networking Associate professional career certification before they finish their Grade 12
- Stanford FabLabs@School Prototyping enable children to give physical form to their abstract imagination as well as learn classroom concepts through hands-on experiences
- Embedded systems programming empower kids to learn to program anything that has a computer chip inside it – from microwave oven, TV, cars to even toys
- Robotics give exposure to this sunrise field of technology by learning to design hardware and software to work well together
Social and emotional learning involves the processes through which children and adults acquire and effectively apply the knowledge, attitudes, and skills necessary to understand and manage emotions, set and achieve positive goals, feel and show empathy for others, establish and maintain positive relationships, and make responsible decisions.
We at JK NATIONAL SCHOOL focus on teaching students at a young age how to communicate, problem solve, deal with frustration and set goals through focused activities. The school observed a week as joy of giving week where the students donated sweets, books, pencils, clothes and grains to the poor children. They also got an opportunity to interact with these children and listen to their problems. The children were very happy to receive these small gifts from them.
We often hear in the news, stories of sexual abuse of children and it is obvious they make you fear your child’s safety. Today, the best way to keep your children safe is to teach them about what is good for them and what is not. Keeping the same in mind we continuously show our students documentaries on sexual abuse and make them understand that what they must do if they face this or see some one doing this to others.
In a constantly changing environment, having life skills is an essential part of being able to meet the challenges of everyday life. The dramatic changes in global economies over the past five years have been matched with the transformation in technology and these are creating an impact on education, the workplace and our home life. To cope with the increasing pace and change of modern life, students need new life skills such as the ability to deal with stress and frustration. To make the students deal with the changing environment we conduct our assemblies on the value based topics and also keep counselling them from time to time.
Wildlife Conservation is the practice of protecting wild plant and animal species and their habitats. The goal of wildlife conservation is to ensure that nature will be around for future generations to enjoy and also to recognize the importance of wildlife and wilderness for humans and other species. We at our school conducted a workshop for the students to make them aware of wildlife conservation and plants.
The activities which we have planned for near future:
- Assemblies based on value based topics: The topics of everyday assemblies are value based and each class gets a chance to conduct the assembly. The children do a role play or a small skit based on the topic.
- Grand parents’ day: We celebrate grand parents’ day to make the grand parents feel their importance in the life of children. On this day the people of old age home will be our important guest.
- Annual function theme is value based: The theme of our annual function is the importance of girl child. We will focus on the journey of a girl from a young child to an adult and the way she carries herself through out the journey.
- Keep visiting the neighborhood areas to help the underprivileged: Helping others and the needy gives us an inner satisfaction and it also develops a habit of sharing and caring. We at JK NATIONAL SCHOOL will keep doing such work around our school.
In our ever more complex and highly technical world which has no boundaries, we have to develop ideas about the importance of new trends of education and training to survive in this new world . It is very important to make our students life ready and the best way to do this is through real life situations which gives them a direct feel about the upcoming roles in life. Our job is to facilitate them by educating our future global citizens.
This goal can be achieved by providing training instead of giving them merely theoretical education.
Our present approach
In our school at present we do provide training by conducting various practical classes which are listed below :
1.Providing training of basic etiquettes to students.
2.Training them to be in discipline through various ways like conducting karate classes
3.Basic training is provided through assignments involving team work wherein students learn to manage people and situations. One of the ways is by making students participate in overnight camp.
4.Students are also given mental training so that they can handle situations in life. We have counselor who trains them for the same.
- We also train students to make them aware about the various issues around them. This is done by asking them to make PPTs on various issues like ‘Nutrition’ and also by calling guest lecturers
- We provide them training in academics by not only the traditional methods but also other ways like role plays, group discussions and various other activities.
8.We also give them training by providing real life situation of various professions . For example by conducting market Day where the students can advertise and sell their products.
Our Future Plans
- Technology-Based Learning
a.Basic PC-based programs
b.Interactive multimedia – using a PC-based CD-ROM
c.Interactive video – using a computer in conjunction with a VCR
d.Web-based training programs.
2. Tabletisation and training students about its uses are also an agenda.
- Simulators
a.The military uses video games (similar to the “shoot-em-up” ones that 14-year old plays) to train soldiers.
b.Astronauts train extensively using simulators to imitate the challenges and micro-gravity experienced on a space mission.
Such situations can be provided in school like for Pre-primary we can have a mock road signal and make them cycle or walk according to signals.
4.Playing Games
- Games surrounding thought and creativity – to help students find creative ways to solve problems in the class, or to implement innovative ideas.
- Board games imitating real life situations. Like Business or game of life.
- Students would be trained in order to polish their own personalities to face the tough competitions in life .For achieving this goal, a full fledged personality makeover is being planned for them.
“Around here, we don’t look backwards for very long… We keep moving forward, opening up new doors and doing new things because we’re curious… and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths”, are famous words by Walt Disney. We at JK NATIONAL SCHOOL truly believe and align our teaching with the above statement.
In today’s scenario the children are not followers buts are explorers and we firmly believe in this. Our teaching is focussed on the tapping the multiple intelligences each child has and our educators act as facilitator’s rather than a teacher. We believe in striking a cord with the children and provide them a comfort zone where they are free to reach us with their numerous queries.
We strongly believe in creating curiosity amongst the students which makes the learning more effective and interesting. To implement this we have series of structured ‘Discovery Packets’ covering various topics from all the subjects. These discovery packets are implemented in the classroom and aids the students in better understanding and learning of the concepts. In addition to this our students also effectively used various teaching aids like Hanger Mobiles, Knowledge organisers, KWL charts, and many more.
Apart from classroom teaching experiences our students are exposed to an array of alternate learning avenues, few of them are: Blogging, Web designing, Guest lectures, Field trips, Star gazing, Assemblies and Themed events (conducted solely by students).
Our highlights are IBL activities which are focussed on Social Science and Science subjects. We also inculcate entrepreneurship skills amongst our students through activities such ‘Market Day’. To enhance their learning on social science we celebrate ‘Renaissance Week’ where students participate in different activities based on the theme. By participating in such events student’s knowledge about the subject reaches to a different level altogether.
English being a key language in the process of learning, our ‘English Cafe Week’ plays a key role in developing the student’s interest and expanding their horizons about the language.
While teaching we try to connect the concept or topic to real life situations which gives them a closer view of the topic, taking their learning a step ahead and making it more fruitful.
After the completion of each topic or chapter the students are asked to do some further findings in the form of home assignments on the topic, which gives them an opportunity to explore more and take the help of web (internet) in doing so. Every classroom session is essentially followed by an A/V as visual learning has a great recall.
While recapitulating the topic we opt for individual and group based quizzes, group discussions and practical sessions based on the new findings they have in the form of chart presentations, power points, verbal presentations or videos.
Lastly learning is a continuous process where we keep evolving ourselves every day. And we look forward to explore more innovative ways to make the teaching experience more effective. Our next step towards achieving this goal is to equip our students with ‘Tablets’ and integrate it with their academics thus, preparing them for the techno future ahead.